Sydney Royal Dairy Produce Scholarship awarded to Emma Lee
Posted on : 20 May 2016
Currently in her final year of study, Emma Lee of Cobargo has been awarded the 2016 Sydney Royal Dairy Produce Scholarship from the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) Foundation.
Miss Lee is a sixth year veterinary science student at the Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga and will receive $5,000 towards her tertiary studies, in addition to an experience stewarding at the 2016 Sydney Royal Cheese & Dairy Produce Show, which occurred in the first week of February.
Sydney Royal Dairy Produce Committee Chair, Gary Reid, said the scholarship is open to students working across all aspects of the dairy industry and helps foster an evolving industry at the grassroots level.
"It is vitally important that we continue to nurture the development and opportunities available for the next generation of industry leaders - this scholarship assists us to do that," Mr Reid said.
Miss Lee grew up on a beef and sheep property on the outskirts of Cobargo, on the Far South Coast of NSW. With a continual strong interest in agriculture and science, she had begun to map out a career in in Veterinary medicine from just seven years of age.
Miss Lee has a particular interest in nutrition and the large impacts small changes to diet can have. "It is interesting to see how the smallest of changes can lead to having enormous effects on production from the animal," she said.
"The funding from this scholarship will enable me to carry out sample analysis for my Honours. These samples will assist me in investigating the energy balance in dairy cows, relating more importantly to reproductive parameters, but also dairy production," Miss Lee said.
RAS Foundation Executive Officer, Kate Ross, said Miss Lee would benefit from the opportunities the scholarship provides.
"Emma Lee impressed us with her passion to work with the dairy industry through innovation." Ms Ross said.
"Her passion really shone through during the selection process and we were inspired to hear about her enthusiasm to improve cow health, welfare, and productivity though her Honours project. We are looking forward to seeing her continue to grow and develop over the coming months," she said.
The Sydney Royal Dairy Produce Scholarship is a joint initiative of the RAS Foundation and the Sydney Royal Dairy Produce Committee, and is made possible by a donation from long-time Sydney Royal award-winning producer Country Valley. The Scholarship aims to foster the development of Australia’s next generation of dairy industry leaders.
The RAS Foundation is a charitable foundation that encourages educational opportunities and helps build strong and sustainable rural and regional communities through a range of targeted community grants and scholarships.
Visit for more information on the RAS Foundation.
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James Riordan - Public Relations Manager
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