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Our Council and Office

Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC holds the position of Vice Regal Patron of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW.

Council is the governing body of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, made up of Members who are elected at the Society’s Annual General Meeting. The Society’s Council consists of around 54 Councillors who serve the RAS on an honorary basis.  Their areas of expertise cover a broad array of rural, business and professional skills.

Council Committee Chairs oversee the competitions that are at the heart of the Sydney Royal Easter Show, Sydney Royal Competitions and other aspects of RAS business.

The Office consists of the Board, Council, Honorary Councillors, Honorary Vice President and the NSW Minister for Primary Industries.


J C Bennett OAM ​K Little*
G D Andrews A W Lucas 
J Angus # D F Macintyre
H A Badgery M A MacCue *
A Barnes * G W Mason*
J D W Bell YG McKenzie
  L S Milan OAM
G Best  G W Moore
L Bowtell * J Murphy
JG Bryson D E Ovens 
J Byrnes * M Paynter
C P Carter R L Petrie
R Clubb AM A J Rayner
D M Davidson # R G Reid *
S J B Davies # K Reidy*
S G Dadd A A Renwick #
J M Dorahy M A Schembri *
E Downes B D Sharpe *
S P Evans  G N Sharpe 
J E Fairley J H Strong
J M Forrest * S R Wakeford *
W B Giblin S J Walker #*
S L Hannigan H B White OAM *
E A Hastings B J Wilson
G R Johnston CA Wythes


# Board
* Committee Chairs