Our Members
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW currently has around 12,000 Members. They come from every possible background. Some live in the city, some in remote rural areas, they’re students and some have farms. What unites them is an appreciation for the importance of agriculture in our daily lives, a commitment to share and celebrate that awareness with their fellow Australians and sense of fun.
Membership of the RAS carries valuable privileges. Members receive unlimited entry to the Sydney Royal Easter Show for all 14 days of the event, they benefit from discounts at the Sydney Royal Deli and Woolworths Fresh Food Dome, convenient parking, reserved seating in the Main Arena and Woodchop Stadium, plus entry to members-only entertainment, dining and special events.
Among the wealth of complementary benefits, RAS Members can also take advantage of discounted accommodation and reciprocal membership of the ANZ Stadium, with free entry to the Gold Members Reserve for general admission events and access to pre-purchase discounted tickets to reserved events.
Members also have the satisfaction of knowing that they are making a difference, contributing to the future of Australia by helping to build and sustain strong rural communities.
And best of all, you’ll be surprised at the cost of Membership.