Sydney Royal Easter Show award artwork
Taking out a Sydney Royal Champion, Grand Champion, Supreme Champion or Best in Show gives you the opportunity to use the corresponding Sydney Royal award artwork to promote the outstanding quality of your business, stock, produce or skills, allowing you to stand out from your competitors.
The agricultural industry recognises a win at a Show Competition as a mark of excellence. Sydney Royal has developed a promotional kit to guide you with general advice to how make the most of your success. Displaying the Sydney Royal award communicates the achievement and provides a valuable selling point for you and your business. The artwork can be used to enhance advertising, promotional material and packaging.
Dowload the promotional kit including terms and conditions
We have a number of competitions at and awards at Sydney Royal so please clearly outline the following:
Year of Win
Competition (e.g. Horse Show, Cattle Show, Cat Show)
Exhibitor Name (as per how the results are listed)
Exhibit Name (as per how the results are listed)
Award Won (as per how the results are listed)