Alpacas were first introduced to the Easter Show competitions in 1869 and have been a continuous feature since 1992.
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Held almost continuously since 1823, these Sydney Royal animal competitions set the benchmark for a wide range of livestock and domestic animals.
The Sydney Royal animal competitions held during the Sydney Royal Easter Show attract exhibitors each year from across Australia who enter their animal to win a prestigious Sydney Royal Ribbon. While many exhibitors compete at regional agriculture and animal shows, Sydney Royal is the largest competition of its kind held in the geographic heart of Sydney.
Alpacas were first introduced to the Easter Show competitions in 1869 and have been a continuous feature since 1992.
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In 1869 Aviary Birds were referred to as ‘caged birds’, consisted mainly of canaries and were judged in the Poultry Competition. By 1907 the competition name had officially changed to Poultry, Pigeons, Canaries and Cage Birds and began to include parrots, finches and budgerigars. In 2017 the competition was renamed Aviary Birds.
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The Cat Show is part of the Domestic Animals Section, which aims to promote public understanding of the place of Domestic Animals within our community, by conducting the best competitions for cats, dogs and other Domestic Animals in Australia.
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In 1824 the Agricultural Society assessed 130 head of cattle and awarded a prize of ‘A Piece of Plate’ valued at 40 Spanish Dollars to Reverend Samuel Marsden for the Best Colonial Bred Bull. George Cox Esq received ‘A Piece of Plate’ valued at 20 Spanish Dollars for his Best Colonial Bred Heifer.
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The first competitions for dogs were held at the 1869 Show and included greyhounds, pointers, bloodhounds and beagles and they have been wagging tails on the Dog Judging Lawns ever since. In 1901 it was deemed appropriate to also judge dog biscuits and best food adapted for dogs, but it took until 1931 to decide it was time to also award Best in Show. The ADVANCE™ Sydney Royal Dog Show is one of the most keenly anticipated in the country, providing an opportunity for thousands of dog owners to present their best bred friends to the judges.
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The Sydney Royal Frog & Reptile Show is one of the favourite animal competitions at the Sydney Royal Easter Show after becoming an official Sydney Royal Competition in 2011. With 'Sydney Royal' attached to its name, the Competition is fast becoming the largest of its kind in the Country.
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Although Angora goats were first imported to NSW in 1823 it wasn’t until 1869, they were judged and that was in the sheep competition.
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Pigs came to Australia with the First Fleet in 1788 when 32 pigs were picked up in Cape Town for the eight-week journey to Botany Bay.
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The Poultry competition was first held in 1858 and included ducks, geese, chickens and rabbits. This soon expanded to include pheasants, quail and even egg production. At various times throughout the late 1800s, the competition has included canaries, guinea pigs and even cats, although it did make perfect sense to add in turkeys in 1895.
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Rabbit Competition is part of the Domestic Animals Section, which aims to promote public understanding of the place of Domestic Animals within our community, by conducting the best competitions for rabbits, cats, dogs and other Domestic Animals in Australia.
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The Rat & Mouse Competition is one of the newer Agricultural Competitions at the Show. Introduced as a non-competitive exhibit in 2003, the Rat & Mouse Show was officially included in the Sydney Royal competitions in 2004.
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The first Show held by the Agricultural Society, back in 1824, had 42 pens of sheep and a prize of forty Spanish dollars to go to the best group of Australian Merino Rams and to the best group of Australian Merino Ewes. William Howe Esq of Glenlee won for his rams, and Rev Samuel Marsden of Parramatta for his ewes.
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To be the recipient of a Sydney Royal award is a significant achievement representing months, years and sometimes decades of hard work and dedication. Winning a prestigious Sydney Royal ribbon at one of the many animal shows can bring commercial benefits to Exhibitors, enabling rural communities to remain strong and vibrant. Major award winners have the benefit of using Sydney Royal artwork to promote their success in marketing campaigns.
Agricultural and animal competitions are at the heart of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW charter – to encourage and reward excellence, and support a viable and prosperous future for our agricultural communities. And while Sydney Royal animal shows are focused on striving to promote the best this country has to offer they also enhance education, offering a platform where knowledge can be passed on so the next generation can learn to keep up traditions or build on them - innovating for the future.