Meet the judges of the 2023 ADVANCE™ Sydney Royal Dog Show
Toy Group (less Affenpinschers, Italian Greyhounds, Miniature
Pinschers, Pomeranians, Pugs & Tibetan Spaniels) & Toy Group
Specials. Terrier Group: All Terrier breeds and Terrier Group
Walter Jungblut joined the dog world in 1975 passionately breeding (prefix “vom Schwanental”) and showing only Fox Terrier. Among many other achievements in Germany and abroad, he gained five FCI world champion titles and several “Best in Show” all breeds at CACIB level.
His judging career started in 1987 and Walter Jungblut became a respected specialist for all Terrier breeds acknowledged by the FCI. In 1996 he was appointed as FCI-Group III (Terriers) judge, in 2002 as FCI-Group XI (toy breeds) judge and in 2008 as FCI-Group IV (Dachshunds) judge. In 2010 Walter Jungblut received the permission to judge “Best in Show” all breeds at CACIB level. Since the 2000s, he has increased his judging career and was honored to be invited to judge at many prestigious dog shows in
39 countries around the world. The training of apprentices is particularly important to him.
He is member of the German Fox Terrier Club, German Terrier Club and English Kennel Club.Today, Walter Jungblut is living in southwest Germany enjoying his retirement together with his wife, a Wire Fox Terrier and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Beside dogs he is much into gardening. He looks forward to his appointment at the Sydney Royal Dog Show.
Toy Group: Affenpinschers, Miniature Pinschers & Pomeranians. Gundog Group (Less Cocker Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels & Labrador Retrievers) & Gundog Group Specials. Hound Group: Afghan Hounds. Utility Group: (Less Dobermanns and all Schnauzers) & Utility Group Specials.
Architect & Social Media Influencer born in Mexico City, Along with
his parents, is the breeder, owner and handler of Afghans of Damos (Home
of The top winning hounds in the history of Mexico since 1980). His
judging career started as the youngest FCI all breed International Judge.
As a Junior Handler he won the World Championship three times, earned
third place at Crufts and was a finalist at Westminster Kennel Club.
Mr. Miranda's great achievements have been worldwide; Best in Show at the FCI Americas & Caribbean Section Winner 2012 & 2019, Reserve Best in Show at FCI European Dog Show Winner 2017, Best of Breed and Award of Merit five times at the Afghan Hound Club of America's National Specialties.
He has also obtained the title BIS with other breeds owned and co-owned: Whippet, Doberman, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Brittany Spaniel, Xoloitzcuintli, The top winning Pomeranian and Saluki in the history of Mexico.
Mr. Miranda has judged the five continents, included Westminster Kennel Club, The World Dog Show, The AKC National Championship, The Afghan Hound World Congress and the Americas & Caribbean Section Show. This is his first judging assignment at Sydney Royal Show.
Toy Group: Italian Greyhounds. Gundog Group: Cocker Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels & Labrador Retrievers. Hound Group (Less Afghan Hounds) & Hound group Specials. Utility Group: All Schnauzers. Non-Sporting Group: All Poodles.
Gavin has been involved with dogs since childhood beginning with Beagles
and Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. He has made champions in England and
Europe and since then been involved with many breeds across Hounds,
Terriers, Utility and Gundogs. Gavin and his wife have owned or bred over 75
UK champions, 55 being Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen where they have had
the fortune to have had Top Hound on 6 separate occasions, as well as the
number 1 dog all breeds in 2012 and 2018, culminating in going BIS at Crufts 2013 with their homebred Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen and RBIS at Crufts 2019 with a son of the BIS winner.
He first awarded CC's in 1999 and now currently approved to judge over 60 breeds at CC level across 5 groups as well as doing the Hound, Gundog and Utility groups plus BIS at Ch show level, He has been fortunate to have judged breed specialties, club shows and All breed shows in America, Australia, Barbados, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Czech, South Africa, Germany, Hungary and Italy. Gavin has judged breeds at Crufts and had the honour of judging the Hound group at Crufts in 2022.
Toy Group: Pugs & Tibetan Spaniels. Working Group: All Working breeds & Working Group Specials. Utility Group: Dobermanns. Non Sporting Group (less all Poodles) & Non Sporting Group Specials.
Dr. Niksa Lemo is an international championship dog show judge and has
judged at many national and international dog shows on all continents. He was licensed to judge in January 1992 for his first breed, the Doberman Pinscher. In December 2010, he was licensed to judge all FCI breeds. To date, he has judged all groups and Best In Show competitions. He has been invited to judge at the most prestigious shows, such as the World Dog Show, the European Dog Show, Westminster (USA), and many national specialties of various breeds throughout the World.
Dr. Lemo is a university professor and board-certified veterinary dermatologist (ECVD) and he is currently the head of the Clinical division of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Zagreb. Moreover Dr. Lemo is a
regional representative of EBVS (European Board of Veterinary Specialization) and an expert of EAEVE for evaluation veterinary universities/schools in Europe. He teaches veterinary dermatology and canine science at the University of Zagreb. He conducts the seminars for student judges, judges, and breeders.
Niksa Lemo breeds Miniature Schnauzers. He has also owned, co-owned and/or shown Dobermanns, Pugs, Standard Schnauzers, German Shorthair Pointers, Tibetan Mastiffs and Tibetan Spaniels.